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terça-feira, 22 de agosto de 2017


The Spirit of the Lord will take over you, and with them you will prophesy and be a new man. (1 Samuel 10: 6)
Being able to hear the voice of God is an important result of knowing and being filled with His Spirit, but it is not the only evidence of a Spirit-filled life. Another simple but powerful proof of the power of the Holy Spirit within a person is a transformed life.
During the judgment of Jesus, Peter denied it three times because he feared the Jews (see Luke 22: 56-62); But after being filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, he was no longer afraid, but remained and preached an extremely daring message. The result of
Peter's preaching was that three thousand souls were added to the Kingdom of God that day (see Acts 2: 14-41). The fullness of the Holy Spirit transformed Peter; She turned him into another man-a very brave man, without any fear.
Peter was not the only one who took a bold position that day. All the eleven remaining disciples of Jesus did the same. Everyone was hiding behind closed doors in fear of the Jews, when Jesus came to them after His resurrection (see John 20: 19-22). Suddenly, after being filled with the Holy Spirit, they all became fearless and courageous.
The power of the Holy Spirit has transformed countless people over the years. He transformed Saul as an account in today's verse. He transformed Peter and the other disciples, He changed me; And continues to make people fervent all over the world. Do you need to be transformed? Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you today.
THE WORD OF GOD FOR YOU TODAY: you need the power of the Holy Spirit to change.
Joycer Meyer

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